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Letter: All city libraries are designated warming centres

In response to a letter regarding the Mackenzie Street library branch being used as a warming centre, a reader points out that all city libraries are designated either warming or cooling centres, depending on the season
typewriter pexels-cottonbro-3945337 (From Pexels by Cottonbro)

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the letter “Mackenzie Street branch no longer just a library,” which ran March 5. You can read that letter here.

Laura Weese wrote a letter to the editor that was published on March 5, stating that the Mackenzie Street library is providing access to social services and a warm space for unhoused or underhoused people to rest, eat and clean up and that this makes it an unsafe environment for children.

The library is a public resource for the use of all members of the public. The homeless are part of our community.

The city designated the Mackenzie Street library as a warming centre and has recently extended the weekend library hours to accommodate the need for the homeless to stay warm until the end of April.

I am sure that the library staff are confident that all children who attend the Easter Break will be safe while they enjoy their Easter and weekend activities.

Ms. Weese wrote that she is looking forward to the main library moving to Tom Davies Square. I hope she realizes that the homeless will be equally as welcome to use the library facilities there as they presently do now at the Mackenzie Street location.

Holland Marshall
Greater Sudbury