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Letter: Cody Cacciotti is the logical choice on Oct. 22

Mayoral candidates seem to be borrowing his ideas for their own campaigns, says voter
Greater Sudbury mayoral candidate Cody Cacciotti. (Supplied)

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?" 

That has been the rule since the early 19th century. It was true then, and it is true now. It would appear many of the other mayoral candidates are flattering Cody by adopting his platform and campaigning style.

In this mayor's race, we have Cody Cacciotti leading the pack being the first to declare and then running head and shoulders ahead with ideas and campaign strategy.

His campaign strategy was simple: tell the truth and do your best.

That being said, he cannot and would not take credit for suggesting jobs was his idea alone this campaign. He was the first person to make it a priority of his campaign platform, soon to be followed by other candidates.

Slogans don't win elections, but getting the city back on track was one of the things Cody said he would do. Not to be outdone, my friend, Dan Melanson, lifted it out of the pages of the Northern life newspaper, changing it to “back on track” and keeping it as his own. 

Thank you, Dan, for your endorsement.

Not to be outdone by Dan, Patricia Mills was not going to let a good idea go unpoached, but not wanting to be accused of plagiarism, she changed coffee with Cody, to Chat with Pat. Nice ring to it and thank you, Patricia, for your vote of confidence in our campaign. (Patricia is even trying to be nice now, taking another page out of Cody's book.. Question, do leopards change their spots?)

Seriously, Cody was and is the only one determined to make the outlying areas part of the Greater City of Sudbury, not as a slogan poached by others, but as policy for the four years he will be in office.

Others have jumped on the bandwagon. Another good idea poached from Cody.

Thank you to Dan Melanson, Patricia Mills and Professor Crumplin for using Cody's ideas, for showing his leadership and agreeing with his campaign platform. It makes a voting choice easy between Mayor Bigger and Cody Cacciotti.

It's really no choice, a vote for Brian Bigger is same old, same old, a vote for Cody is enlightened leadership and moving forward to a brighter future and better things.

I've made my choice, and I am voting for Cody Cacciotti.

Frank H. Madigan