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Pets & Animals: Pets and children equally loved, survey finds

Do you love your pets as much as you love your children or other human loved ones?

A new survey found roughly half of pet owners in Australia, Canada and the USA view their pets as equally as important as their own human children.

According to Compare the Market, the trend was highest in America, where 55.5 per cent of pet owners agreed with this statement. Canadian pet owners followed at 49.6 per cent, with  Australians at 48.2 per cent. 

The sentiment is more common among female pet owners than male ones, and is more common among younger people than older generations, the survey suggests.

You can read the full survey here.

Among the highlights from the data is the fact about half of pet owners do refer or have referred to themselves as “pet parents” as opposed to “pet owners.” Around half of pet owners also refer to their pet as their “fur baby,” a trend more common among female pet owners.

People who prefer these terms are also more likely to purchase pet insurance, the survey found.

Perhaps surprisingly (and then again, maybe not) the survey suggested something else worth noting: almost one-in-ten pet owners said their pets were more important than their own children or other loved ones. 

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