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Matt Sookram

Matt Sookram

Matthew Sookram is a Canadore College graduate. He has lived and worked in North Bay since 2009 covering different beats; everything from City Council to North Bay Battalion.

Recent Work by Matt

North Bay Battalion out of the finals in Game 7

North Bay Battalion out of the finals in Game 7

Battalion season ends in the Eastern Conference Finals for a third straight season
After Ombudsman says North Bay school closure vote lacked transparency, board makes same decision again

After Ombudsman says North Bay school closure vote lacked transparency, board makes same decision again

'The board made the motion tonight to choose the two operating schools as West Ferris and Chippewa in the North Bay area and Widdifield is to close, and there is an additional clause that empowered the administration to give us a full implementation plan as soon as possible'
Sudbury's Brad Chenier making the most of his opportunity with Battalion

Sudbury's Brad Chenier making the most of his opportunity with Battalion

'The coaching staff and the players playing with me, they really much put it on my plate for me, always setting me up with nice goals'
More work by Matt >