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Lost & Found

Lost keys between Louis St. and downtown Shoppers Drug Mart

Can you help?


Found a motorcycle bag on Kingsway Tuesday August 15.
Lost: Kia key fob

Lost: Kia key fob

Lost Kia Key Fob anywhere between the southend and Azilda call or text 705 521-5507

Necklace found with charms found at Home Depot

Found in Home Depot parking lot, gold necklace with charms. If you think it may be yours please email with description.
Lost - prescription sunglasses

Lost - prescription sunglasses

I need your help to locate a pair of prescription sunglasses lost sometime on Tuesday November 8 in the Sudbury area. They are large blue plastic frame, brown tint lenses, in a black case.

Lost iphone6, please help

I lost my iphone6 on December 19 around 6 pm in parking lot of K9 Clips /Esso gas station in Chelmsford. I have many pictures of my kids that are irrepleceable.


I've lost my keys. They are on a black and white MATCO lanyard. There were 3 or 4 keys with a Dodge Ram Fob. Lost along Copper Street when going for a jog night of Dec 13th. Please call if found!

Lost Keys: Can you help?

Lost blue ribbon key chain on August 31, 2016 stop along many shops along Lasalle Blvd., Barrydowne Road including Costco area. If found please call work (705)521-0736 ask for Chris.

Please help find my rings

lost two beautiful rings One is a 14 carat white gold diamond cluster ring The other is a family ring - solid gold with six stones Lost August 02nd in the South End of the City If you find either of these could you please call (705) 988-0676

Lost Wallet

Lost a black wallet in chelmsford while walking home from Subway. Wallet contains a lot of my information such as health card, Ontario card, birth certificates, and various debit cards.