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Around the North

Vital Signs: Less crime, better health, fewer jobs in 2015

Vital Signs: Less crime, better health, fewer jobs in 2015

Report put special focus on Aboriginal population this year, showing Indigenous people generally better off in this area than other parts of the province
Like being in a gas chamber: Collecting the stories of miners and aluminum powder

Like being in a gas chamber: Collecting the stories of miners and aluminum powder

Miners urged to register as part of health database
North Bay man loses locks to honour family members taken by cancer

North Bay man loses locks to honour family members taken by cancer

Haircut date holds special meaning to Cory Tremblay and his family
Fireworks festival coming to Timmins next summer

Fireworks festival coming to Timmins next summer

Small Northern Ontario city spending $3.5 million on event
Access to gas creating divide in Northern Ontario

Access to gas creating divide in Northern Ontario

The divide in energy costs between Northern and Southern Ontario is a regional divide between communities that are and aren't located along the natural gas pipeline.
Soo woman says bear who injured her wasn't attacking

Soo woman says bear who injured her wasn't attacking

She says she startled the bear and it reacted. 'If the bear had intended to hurt me, he would have done a lot more'
Five young people overdose in Barrie in one night

Five young people overdose in Barrie in one night

"There's a very good possibility those people could've died"
The Fading Garden: A visual look at the last days of the gardening season (24 photos)

The Fading Garden: A visual look at the last days of the gardening season (24 photos)

Just as a flourishing garden is a symbol of something perfect and Eden-like, a fading garden is a reminder that all living things decline and go back to the earth
Movie Review: The Magnificent Seven

Movie Review: The Magnificent Seven

For all of its faults and failings, The Magnificent Seven is just so much damned fun. And there haven't been a whole lot of just fun Westerns in a quite a while.
Bad drivers forcing school bus officials to re-evaluate school bus service in North Bay

Bad drivers forcing school bus officials to re-evaluate school bus service in North Bay

“I think we have to look at how we are conducting ourselves when it comes to school bus stops and our most vulnerable student population which are the junior kindergarten and senior kindergarten students.”