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5 Things to Leave Behind in 2024 from a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist!

🌟 5 Things to Leave Behind in 2024 from a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist! 🌟

1. “Going Just in Case” - Constantly going to the bathroom "just in case" can confuse your bladder and lead to overactive bladder symptoms. Instead, try to listen to your body's natural signals and go only when you genuinely need to.
2. Fearing Exercise During Pregnancy - Many women fear that exercising during pregnancy might harm their baby or their body. However, with proper guidance, exercise can be incredibly beneficial. It strengthens your pelvic floor, helps manage weight, improves mood, and prepares your body for childbirth. Always consult with a healthcare provider for a tailored exercise plan.
3. Accepting Leaking, Painful Sex, and Pain as Normal
Many people believe that leaking, painful sex, or pelvic pain are just part of having a baby or going through menopause. This isn’t true! These issues are common but not normal. Pelvic floor physiotherapy can help address these problems, improving your quality of life and making these experiences more comfortable.
4. Using Kegels as a One-Size-Fits-All Solution - While Kegels are often recommended for pelvic health, they’re not suitable for everyone. In some cases, they can even worsen the problem. A personalized pelvic floor exercise plan, developed with the help of a physiotherapist, is more effective. It’s essential to address your unique needs and avoid generic solutions.
5. Calling the Vulva or Vagina by Incorrect Names - Using the correct anatomical terms—vulva and vagina—empowers better understanding and communication about your body. It’s crucial for seeking proper care and discussing health concerns accurately. Let’s normalize using the right language to promote education and awareness about our bodies.

Ready to make a change? Let’s start by leaving these habits behind!

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