Fall/Winter Ladies Volleyball League 2024
Competitive/Intermediate and Recreation Divisions
Cash Prizes!
6 Teams in each division
Maximum of 9 players on each roster + spares
Register as a team OR individual in either division
22 weeks of play; 2 matches/night of play
Starts week of September 9th; runs weekly until week of March 17th
Mondays- Recreation Division
Wednesdays - Competitive/Intermediate Division
*Game times will range from 6:45-9:15 pm*
Where: Northern Hockey Academy (1351 Kelly Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario)
Cost: $2250/team; $250 individual players (cost is approx. $11/night of play)
$750 deposit guarantees spot; balance to be paid by September 1st
Registration Form (for teams and individuals): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGJwFWEYCTVdcmFosnljjVwU2JmOnbLZReQP6cRzY-xAFGTw/viewform