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Will the politics of Wall Street come north? - Michael Atkins

I think I’m part of the one per cent. You know the one per cent they are talking about on the streets of New York, London, Toronto, Rome, etc. I didn’t mean to be part of the one per cent.

A surprisingly competitive election in Ontario - Michael Atkins

I have no idea how many elections I’ve observed, but it is fair to say in three score and a few years, I’ve seen enough to fill a bread box. Sometimes you know exactly what is going to happen, and you await the crowning with enthusiasm or despair.

Murdoch, corruption and the price of concentration

I happened to be in London, England a few weeks ago when the Murdoch scandal was just getting underway. It was quite fun to pick up a couple of newspapers each day at the Tube, and watch this thing play out.

Sometimes you just plain surprise yourself - Michael Atkins

If you know me, what follows would be the equivalent of me becoming a born again Christian.

The real wisdom of this political spring

As you read this, it is quite possible Stephen Harper is tucking himself into a nice big comfy loveseat in the corner at 24 Sussex Drive with an apple fritter and a double double, savouring his hotly-contested and hard-won majority government.

The frequent chimera of freedom and democracy

It's impossible to watch Egypt demonstrating, Tunisia cleaning house, Saudi Arabia desperately bribing, Jordan firing cabinet ministers, Algeria shooting citizens in the streets, and Muammar Gaddafi bombing his own people without thinking about the h

James Grassby: curious, furious and fun

There were days when Jim Grassby was insufferable. I mean, you would arrive for your Sunday morning gabfests that would include anywhere from three to 10 other keeners, and he would be onto something and he wouldn’t stop.

As one year succeeds the next, let’s think

I sat down with some financial investors last week to talk about succession planning. Not mine, theirs.

On the growing impossibility of an age of reason

As I write, I am on the West Coast, and the political conversation is about Gordon Campbell, the current and retiring premier of British Columbia. Mr.

A new mayor A new era Old rules

John Rodriguez has served his city and his country well. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his public service. His time as mayor, frankly, is a small part of his rich and colourful political legacy.