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Jobs of the Future: How jobs bring people north

Northern Policy Institute gathers data on what Northern Ontario employers can do to attract skilled newcomers to leave southern Ontario
220822_map of northern ontario
Map of Northern Ontario.

How can employers and service providers do a better job of attracting newcomers to Northern Ontario? This is the question Northern Policy Institute sought answers from employers and service providers throughout the North.

In February 2022, NPI and organizations across Northern Ontario launched a data-collection exercise to hear from different groups from around the regions, and produced two reports using the findings: “Let’s Get to Work: New Tools Needed in the Employer Recruitment Toolbox for Newcomers” and “Serve it Up: The Roll of Service Providers in Creating Welcoming Communities”.

Both are available for review.

“In general, it was found that surveyed employers in the five Northern Ontario RNIP communities — North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Timmins, and Thunder Bay — have positive attitudes towards hiring newcomers and diverse groups,” a release from NPI states, “though navigating the immigration process was difficult for employers, meaning support could be beneficial.”

For service providers, data collected showed a variety of programs and services are available “to help with the integration and retention of immigrants and diverse groups, as well as promote community acceptance and welcoming.” The data also shows most service organizations work cooperatively, mostly through the sharing of resources.

“The role organizations play in creating a welcoming community for immigrants and diverse groups cannot be understated,” said Mercedes Labelle, author and senior policy analyst. “Ensuring employers and service providers have adequate resources and knowledge of the tools and services available to them is fundamental to the successful completion of this work.”

The recommendations based on the findings support ongoing priorities such as:

  1. Understand and monitor the needs of employers and service providing organizations;
  2. Form strategic partnerships and work to continue, or increase, collaboration with other organizations;
  3. Make full use of human capital to mitigate labour and skills shortages; and,
  4. Work to promote and foster welcoming workplaces through diversity training to employers and employees.

Jobs of the Future is made possible by our Community Leaders Program.