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'Bullies' need help - Sue Tompkins

What has not yet been written about the issue of bullies concerns teachers and school administrators who bully children.

What has not yet been written about the issue of bullies concerns teachers and school administrators who bully children.

A child's misbehavior in the class is usually due to frustration with his or her inability to learn and understand what is being taught. Yet to get any special help for students with disabilities is next to impossible. This then leads to the child acting out in the class.

Putting more than 30 students in one classroom, some with exceptions, and expecting one teacher to be able to focus and help each individual is ridiculous.

So the child who has problems becomes frustrated and acts out. The teacher becomes frustrated. The child is unfairly targetted by the adults as a
problem and dealt with inappropriately.

It's not reasonable to believe children may be learning bullying behavior from the teachers and staff of the school. I have witnessed this first hand.
Catholic school board official Zandra Zubac talks about trying to solve the problem, yet with the board's unwillingness to offer support for children with disabilities, or the teachers (do provide this help), this is never going to happen.

Sue Tompkins , Garson