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Does 'My Sudbury' include me? - CHRISTOPHER DUHAIME

As a 22-year-old college student training for a career in the trades, I am looking ahead to the future.

As a 22-year-old college student training for a career in the trades, I am looking ahead to the future. Will I call this city where I was born and have been raised, "My Sudbury," or will I leave my family behind and hop on the bandwagon of out-migration in search of greener pastures?

This is a question many young people are facing, and a problem that needs to be addressed if this city wants to prosper and grow. We need to invest money into our aging infrastructure. Our city streets are bad enough to convince someone to leave this city.For far too long the city has had this "quick fix" attitude, where they just throw some asphalt in the hole and patch it up. We've seen where this neglect has led us, and it will only continue until the attitudes of people in charge change.

We must nurture local businesses and continue to help develop them, along with the downtown core. This "big box" attitude does not make us unique as a city, it just makes us the same.

These ventures do not create the kind of jobs that are going to keep people in this city or attract people to it. Local entrepreneurs who have poured there heart and soul into this city can no longer compete and are forced to close the doors.

Young people are looking for a place that can provide them with training and job opportunities, and a city that is a pleasant place to enjoy in their leisure time.

I hope someday I can live in "My Sudbury," and I hope to get the same level of service whether I live in the city or the outlying areas.