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Letter: Is euthanasia acceptable for a Christian?

Re: Letter “ Actually, euthanasia is all about care ” published Aug. 21 In regard to the letter by Bill Catalano about euthanasia being all about care, I would like to explore a few comments.

Re: Letter “Actually, euthanasia is all about care” published Aug. 21

In regard to the letter by Bill Catalano about euthanasia being all about care, I would like to explore a few comments.

First he says that ethicists cannot reach a definitive answer based on personal or religious beliefs. Though I cannot speak for all religions, as a Christian, I do believe there is definitive answer.

Second, he mentions a family who fought to keep a brain-dead person alive, but then mentions people who are actively suffering and would rather die. These are two different issues. However, here is the definitive answer from my Christian view. Since God created life and is the author of it, all life is precious.

Any “ending of life” is therefore wrong. To take a life of someone who is actively suffering to provide better care and be considered compassionate is wrong in God’s eyes. Christ Himself suffered while a man on earth to cleanse us from sin; the Just for the unjust.

His example to us in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He was crucified, in His deepest agony and suffering, He used this as an opportunity to seek the God the Father’s will for His life. It is also an opportunity for the local church to care for a suffering person. That is true compassion.

That is God’s heart. Bill said at the end of his article, “God help any of us who have to go through it,” and I would agree with that. It is not wrong to pray that God would end our suffering and if He does, well and good.

For Christians, death is the final obstacle in our pilgrimage of faith to the “Celestial City” as described in the 16th century book Pilgrim’ s Progress by John Bunyan. We must keep our faith until God calls us home.

Kevin Dennie