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Letter: Reader critical of Poilievre’s criticism of Trudeau reader says ‘much of our progress’ over the past decade is thanks to the Liberal government
typewriter pexels-cottonbro-3945337 (From Pexels by Cottonbro)

The news that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was stepping down didn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Conservative politicians, especially Pierre Poilievre, have been mucking up the workings of Parliament for many months and paralyzing the work of government to advance their political agenda: positioning Justin Trudeau as an incompetent imbecile who has broken Canada and needs to resign. 

If his tactics don’t remind you of a particular politician south of the border, then I’d hazard a guess that you’re not paying attention. Canada is not broken. It’s one of the most desirable places on earth to live by almost any measurement.

Much of our progress in the last 10 years is thanks to the Liberal government, which attracted a lot of talent and brains to the House of Commons over its tenure. They brought us the first gender-balanced cabinet in Canadian history; they slashed child poverty through tax programs; they made it easier for parents (but especially women) to return to the workforce by partnering with provinces to roll out $10 a day child care; they worked to balance employment and the environment; they put a price on pollution that still means most Canadians get back more money than they paid in carbon tax; they protected Canadians through COVID, making the best decisions with the information available at the time; and they increased defence spending to help allies like Ukraine who still face the threat of Russian invasion.

Did the Liberals make mistakes? Absolutely. Should every political leader transfer the reins after a couple of terms? For sure.

But let’s not let Canadian politics descend into the realm that Pierre Poilievre is pushing. In Poilievre’s recent interview with media commentator Jordan Peterson, he said he wants Canada to return to “traditional family values”; more oil extraction in Alberta, despite what he says “the environmentalist loons” want; and blamed “wokeism” for bringing racism into Canada. 

He is delusional if he thinks Canadians (especially women, indigenous, racialized, LGBTQ+ people) want to go back to “traditional” values. He’s a science denier if he thinks that environmentalists are “loons”. And he’s a person with no interest in understanding others’ experiences if he thinks racism hasn’t always existed in Canada.
Local Conservative candidate Ian Symington, who one hopes would distance himself from the worst of Pierre Poilievre’s statements, didn’t even comment on the prime minister’s resignation. He just forwarded Poilievre’s press release: a sign of what we can expect from Conservative MP’s under Poilievre’s heavy-handed rule.
Proroguing parliament — a parliament that was being filibustered anyway — will allow for a Liberal leadership race followed by an election in which Canadians will be able to make real choices, hopefully based on policy and not on rhetoric. 

I think that’s the election we all want. Let’s keep Canada great. Not again. But still. And for everyone.

Vicki Jacobs
Greater Sudbury