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Letter: Voter already turned off by politicking in provincial election

The barrage is just beginning, says Sudbury resident

And so the privacy piracy continues. 

It started with Glenn Thibeault’s robotic video to campaign for the Liberal Party and this was followed by Andrea Horwath’s video for the NDP campaign.

The former boasts about the Liberal gift of medication to Ontarians, and the other throws early punches at the Liberals. These amateurish video clips are unimaginative, unwanted nuisances. 

For a few days, I thought Doug Ford’s Conservative campaign was keeping itself above the fray and I hallucinated about voting for what could be Canada’s answer to Trump. But then I was Robo-called by Doug himself, inviting me with an incessant droning message to a rally in Sault Ste Marie.

Are these people for real?

Aside from the technology being forced down my throat, I have a few issues with the messages themselves.

When a reigning politician tells me the government is sanctimoniously giving me free medication, my bile count goes beyond the reach of my over-the-counter Gaviscon.

Glenn, you are not giving me free prescriptions. I’m paying for them with my taxes. You are spending my money; so don’t tell me it’s free. 

Andrea, you can attack the Liberals all you want, but be wary of the intelligent voter who may take a few minutes to fact check your blarney. She is tired of the sound bytes spouting the biases and exaggerations.

And as for you, Doug, have your people check a map to see how far apart Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie are. I’m not even registered as a Conservative and you want me to spend my Saturday driving to and from the Soo for a Trump rally? Give your head a shake.

I feel sorry for myself and us Ontarians. The barrage is just beginning.

André Clément