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May 12 is International Fibromyalgia Day - Madeleine Lalande & Claudette Boudreau

This letter is to people and family members of those who suffer from chronic fibromyalgia syndrome and/or chronic fatigue syndrome (FMS/CFS).

This letter is to people and family members of those who suffer from chronic fibromyalgia syndrome and/or chronic fatigue syndrome (FMS/CFS).

Do you or a member of your family suffer from FMS or CFS? I am convinced some of you have had problems fighting the system for which you have worked in for several years and now you are rejected or ignored because you suffer from this syndrome because there are no medications known to control the pain or to heal those who suffer. You are not alone. We know there are a lot of us out there without help or support. We are two women of this region who suffer from these  syndromes and are sick and tired of fighting the incompetent system which  makes our lives unbearable most times.

May 12 is International Fibromyalgia Day. Please join us in our fight for a proud and worthy quality of life for all those that suffer from these conditions.

Write to us at  FMS-CFS Survey, 52 Inglewood Court,  Sudbury, P3A 5A2, or by e-mail at fms-cfs [email protected] .

Madeleine Lalande
Claudette Boudreau
