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Where's the value in Karla? - Darren Kleven

I am writing with regard to the upcoming film on Karla Homolka. I am not normally predisposed to writing to newspapers about social issues but this one just wouldn't let me go.

I am writing with regard to the upcoming film on Karla Homolka. I am not normally predisposed to writing to newspapers about social issues but this one just wouldn't let me go.

I did not know either Leslie Mahaffy or Kristen French nor Paul Bernardo or Karla Homolka. I have only been to St. Catharine's once or twice. Plainly put I am a bystander like most of us, knowing only what I read, hear and internalize.

I suggest that each individual truly sit back and take a moment to understand, and evaluate their reasons for wanting to see the film on Karla Homolka.

Ask yourself what your motivation is for going to support this. Perhaps ask yourself what the motivation of the director, producer and film industry is.

In the end how will you benefit? Will you learn anything that will make you better for it? How might you do something more powerful with the money

that you must shell out for this experience?

I am not much of an activist. I prefer to try to work on myself in the hope that as I do, my circles of influence will benefit, and they in turn will be inspired to do the same. It's kind of a "Pay it Forward" concept from a personal growth perspective.

We can't solve the entire world's problems single-handedly, but we can make informed thoughtful decisions as to how we entertain ourselves, empower others and spend our money doing it.

I believe that each of us has an opportunity to be more than an inaudible presence by voting with our feet and our dollars, our pens, and our voices.

Nothing makes a point to big business, big labour, or big government like people voting in a way that makes clear their feelings, disapproval, or endorsement.

Would we here in Sudbury be as eager to see the Renee Sweeney, Daphne Kochar, or Joe McDonald story in full colour, surround sound, and 20-foot high detail?

Darren Kleven
Greater Sudbury