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Letters to the Editor

Justice not cash - Clint A. J. Mac Neil

Allegations of sexual abuse committed by priests are most appalling. Not only are victims and their families devastated, but the faith of the church community as a whole is tested.

It's about love - Lynn Scott

In regard to the letter, Same sex marriage wrong, my opinion is who are we to say God is against this and that. This issue is about two people who love and care for each other.

Blame Canada - Hector Raymond

I've learned the Americans have comprised yet another "list" of 35 so-called friendly nations. They have more lists than Santa Claus.

Catch 22 - Redford Givens

It's time to wake up to the fact that marijuana prohibition is a Catch-22, a deliberate deception written into law and complicated by taking idiotic nonsense seriously.

A note of gratitude - Caroline McDonald & Gail Firby

We would like to first thank Denise Lafond with the Sudbury and District Home Builders Association for the wonderful Original Home Show she organized recently.

What's the alternative? - Kevin Fajcz

It seems odd that every person who is against the war with Iraq offers no solution to the problem.

Support for Bush - R.R.St. Germain

In order to take out Saddam Hussein, war is the only solution. I support President George W. Bush and the coalition 100 per cent. As soon as Hussein is disposed of, the Iraqi people, with the help of the coalition will be able to lead normal lives.

No sense - Doreen Merkas

What did the "Common Sense Revolution" achieve in the province of Ontario? Our hospitals became corporations instead of places of healing; our schools became corporations instead of places of learning; out towns and cities became corporations instead

Against the war - Wendy Gorman

I don't know a single person who is for this war and I'm glad to see that you guys aren't either. I also think your poems are a great idea. Keep up the good work! Wendy Gorman Sudbury

Hospital 'picnic' needs investigating - Robert Jennings

With all the finger-pointing going on about the outrageous cost over-run on the so called Super Hospital, I wonder about the money spent in September 2001 in a farce called the Great Game of Life.