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Project Impact returns with news ways to improve life in Greater Sudbury

Project Impact returns with news ways to improve life in Greater Sudbury

Project Impact is back for another year, giving residents the opportunity to launch and support local initiatives to improve Greater Sudbury and the well being of who call this city home.

The program was introduced in 2015 by Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury, to facilitate community funding for local not-for-profit programs and initiatives. 

Since that time, it has assisted in the funding of 37 individual proposals, including planting milkweed, painting rain barrels and making birdhouses. 

But the program is not restricted to projects with an ecological focus, said Naomi Grant, co-chair of the Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury. Every year they see a wide range of applicants and an equally wide range of proposals, from individuals, new and established groups, schools, churches and not-for-profit organizations. 

"There are so many people all around Greater Sudbury that want to make a difference and are making a difference, and we really want to support that," said Grant. 

This past Sunday, the coalition hosted its fourth annual Project Impact Community Celebration to introduce this year's applicants and allow them to explain their plans and funding request to neighbours in attendance. 

For the next two weeks, residents of Greater Sudbury past and present, are asked to submit their vote online or at any local library for the projects they believe should receive funding.

So where does this funding come from? 

Any funding distributed to Project Impact proposals will be a result of donations submitted by residents at the time of their vote. Funding is then allocated according to voting results until the total purse has been used up, said Grant. 

This year, the Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury aims to raise $5,000 in community funding to support 10 projects with a maximum budget of $500 or less. 

Every dollar will go towards the projects, none will be allocated to administration fees, said Grant. 

Charitable receipts are available for donations of $50 or more. 

In addition to financial support, Grant said the Coalition makes a point to connect participants with each other or facilitators of past or present community projects. This allows participants to not only gain a potential partner in their project but gain valuable knowledge and skills from those with experience in that particular area.

Results of Project Impact 2020 will be announced in April and funds distributed shortly thereafter. 

Find more information on Project Impact 2020 and cast your vote here.

Project Impact 2020 Proposals:

Bringing Students Together Through Sacred Medicine - asking $500

An Aboriginal support worker at Confederation Secondary School hopes to establish a group led by indigenous students for indigenous students, and allies, to plant sacred medicines in the school courtyard. Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre has agreed to teach the students about the plants' properties and how to care for them. 

Every Life is of Value: Harm Reduction and Outreach - asking $500

Sudbury Temporary Overdose Prevention Society is asking for support to improve the organization's harm reduction services and their ability to provide basic necessities such as water and hygiene products. The volunteer-run association is composed of health workers, outreach workers, peers, and community members

Sew Eco - asking $434.50

Sudbury Women's Centre Sewing Circle is looking to launch a volunteer-led Sew Eco project. The initiative would be held twice a week to complete small ecological sewing projects like beeswax food wraps, produce mesh bags, zipper snack bags and reusable makeup remover cloths. 

Sudbury Textile Recycling Project - asking $120

A group of Greater Sudbury residents would like to begin hosting drop-in sewing and weaving sessions in addition to posting online content for those unable to attend. The goal is to promote repair culture, share skills, divert waste clothing and re-purpose used fabric. 

Build the Garden Bigger - asking $500

Elm West Playground Association is asking for support to add a garden bed, small greenhouse and watering system to the community garden in its care. The garden helps families in the area access healthy, affordable food. 

The Place Hurtubise Clothing Exchange - asking $95.34

Place Hurtubise Tenant Association members hope to establish a clothing exchange so that tenants can trade clothing of all sizes throughout the year. They hope this will not only be a financial benefit to tenants but a social one. 

St. Charles College Community Greenspace - asking $500

The St. Charles College Environmental Club is looking to plant native tree species and restore habitat and pollinator-friendly areas on school grounds. 

Jamming with Seniors - $500

Seniors Helping Seniors is asking for support to begin hosting freezer jam-making sessions made with local, in-season berries. The program would accommodate 20-30 seniors at a time, each of whom would take home at least four containers of jam per session. 

Signage to Promote Creek Stewardship: Designed by Youth for Healthier Waterways - asking $500

The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee is looking to partner with local schools, to design and install educational signage around and about, Junction Creek. The signs would include artwork designed by students, interesting facts about Junction Creek, and helpful information to promote creek stewardship. 

Good Food Box - asking $500

Better Beginnings Better Futures would like to improve the Good Food Box program, by providing bus passes and other supports to its volunteers. These supports would make it easier for volunteers to provide food access to those who may not otherwise have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

GT Garden on the Hill - asking $450

Glad Tidings Church Garden on the Hill Steering Committee is asking for support to introduce a new community garden on the church property, to grow food and flowers. Funds would go towards building raised beds, composters and a rainwater capture system, in addition to the purchase of seeds.

Caring for our gardens, our earth, and our community at Landsdowne Public School - asking $400

A group of parents and educators at Landsdowne Public School would like to continue regreening and revitalizing the schoolyard and school community. They plan to purchase 5-6 rain barrels to capture rainwater from the school roof to water plants and trees in the area. The barrels would be painted by students, to capture their creative and artistic abilities. 

Munchies for Monarchs - asking $500

The Northern Ontario Railroad Museum and Heritage Centre are looking to introduce butterfly watering stations to support the recent resurgence of Monarch butterflies to the area. Capreol youth and seniors would be asked to make colourful watering stations as well as educational signage, to accompany local milkweed patches. 

Chelmsford Commemorative Garden - asking $500

The Chelmsford Community Garden, Chelmsford CAN and Chelmsford Legion branch 553 would like to create a no-till commemorative garden in Côté Park surrounding the cenotaph. The program would engage local schools and the wider community, honour veterans, beautify the park and benefit the environment with added vegetation. 


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