Exploration and fun are the key words for YES Theatre’s PA Day Theatre Camps for youth ages eight to 12 years old.
Four full-day Theatre Camps will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the following dates: Friday, Jan. 31; Friday, March 7; Monday, March 31 and Friday, June 6.
The program includes collaborative activities and games designed to build imagination, confidence and creative expression.
Students will enjoy learning drama fundamentals such as role-playing, tableaux and stage blocking. Character work and story-telling activities building on the theme of Relationships and Respect will challenge students to think critically and creatively.
YES Theatre’s education programs contribute to each student’s emotional, intellectual and social development. Participation also helps to develop their self-confidence and problem-solving skills.
The instructor for the Jan. 31 PA Day Theatre Camp will be Holli Ward, who also leads YES Theatre’s Saturday morning Musical Theatre classes.
Enrolment is limited to 20 students per camp. Parents may register their children for more than one PA Day camp – payments will be collected for one camp at a time.
The cost is $70 per day (includes HST) for a child’s first PA Day camp in the school year – $65 for each additional camp. After-care until 5 p.m. is available upon request for an additional $10 per day.
For more information, including registration form, visit yestheatre.com/march-break-pa-day-camps.
To register, email completed forms to Education Director Ralph McIntosh at [email protected]. An online payment link will be provided upon receipt of the forms.