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Tuberous sclerosis? Sudbury mom tries to create awareness of disorder

Tuberous sclerosis? Sudbury mom tries to create awareness of disorder

Ask people if they've ever heard of a disease called tuberous sclerosis, and they'll probably look at you and think you've mispronounced tuberculosis.

New home has heart

The Sudbury District Habitat for Humanity will break ground on its newest project later this month. A home for the Ackerland family is being built in Coniston. Major sponsors are the Sudbury Real Estate Board and the The Amazing Persona.

Nigerian was first black man hired by Inco

BY KEITH LACEY The man who, according to family legend, was the first West African to settle in Ontario and the first black man to be hired by Inco Ltd. in Sudbury died Monday.

Sudbury students shine at annual spelling bee

Hari Hullur correctly spelled majolica and baguette to win the senior's title at the Second Annual Greater Spelling Bee held Sunday, April 9, at Lockerby Composite School.
Wahnapitae woman releases husband's video of American trucks

Wahnapitae woman releases husband's video of American trucks

BY KEITH LACEY In peaceful Wahnapitae, a woman is fighting her own private war waiting and worrying about her husband who is working in Iraq.

Diabetes Association wants old cell phones

(CNW) Anyone who has upgraded to a new cell phone has likely grappled with the question: What to do with the old one? The Canadian Diabetes Association in collaboration with PhoneBack, Canada has created Project Redial(TM) to promote the recovery, re

Anglican bishop to participate in Holy Week services

Holy Week will have an added significance for Anglicans in the Sudbury area this year. The Church of the Epiphany will be hosting Archbishop Michael Geoffrey Peers, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Make dental health a priority during Oral Health Month

Every child deserves a pain-free smile is the message being promoted by the Sudbury and District Health Unit during Oral Health Month in April.

Revolutionary idea for testing eyesight could produce more accurate results

BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN When optometrists examine patients' eyes, they put different lenses in front of them to find out which strength gives that person the ability to see an eye chart clearly.

Sponsorship program for arts huge success

A fundraising campaign to assist the local arts community has proven to be a big success.