If he's elected, Ward 1 candidate Carlos Reyes says he'll donate some of his own council salary to improve the lives of youth and seniors.
He wants to contribute to a fundraising committee to build another skateboard park, basketball court and rollerblading trail in his ward.
"Ward 1 is perhaps one of the fastest growing wards and there are many areas that have nothing for our youth to do. This is one of the main reasons that some of our youth are finding themselves involved in unhealthy behaviour,” he said, in a release.
“I am not sure where in the ward the facility would be built, but two things are certain; we need them and there are many areas that could benefit from having them.”
He also wants to contribute to a fundraising campaign to improve services for seniors.
“Ward 1 is home to many seniors and I want to ensure that our city understands seniors' concerns and ensures that the services that are shared by the whole city are improved,” he said.
“Disabled citizens and seniors require fair access to transportation. Currently our handy transit service is beyond underfunded and this needs to change.”
Reyes can be reached at 523-1210, [email protected] or www.carlosreyes.ca.