Based on the 2006 census data, there are 9,955 Greater Sudbury residents between the ages of 20 and 24 and 44,520 residents between the ages of 25 and 45, says Ward 12 candidate Derek Young.
In the 2003 municipal election, there were 135,754 eligible voters. That means that people between the ages of 20 and 45 represent 40 percent of voters. But according to Elections Canada, in the 2000 federal election, only 25 percent of youth aged 18 to 24 voted.
“So, why don't youth vote? Some may argue that youth are not motivated by the issues or don't even care or that they are not being heard by politicians who don't listen to their concerns,” said the 28-year-old Young.
“Over the last few weeks, voters in all age groups are encouraged to see the number of young candidates running in this election. Youth truly are in the best position of their lives right now to effect positive change and to help our wonderful city grow.”
Young can be reached at 691-5677 or [email protected] and