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Hire a student

That?s the message being bandied about by Human Resources Canada as it kicks off Odd Job Week.

That?s the message being bandied about by Human Resources Canada as it kicks off Odd Job Week.

?It?s an initiative to encourage employers and homeowners to hire students for short-term employment,? said Annie Remillard, summer employment officer with the Sudbury Human Resources Centre.

?It?s not long-term employment but it does allow students who are in the process of looking for a job to work. Odd jobs can be anything from gardening to clerical work to moving to baby-sitting. It varies depending on demand.?

Last summer, more than 100 odd jobs were provided to area students through Human Resources Canada. Odd job week runs from July 4 to 8.
For more information, phone 670-6506

Odd Job Week activities:

Thursday will see customers of Petro-Canada on the Kingsway get their gas pumped by students to spread the word about student labour and encouraging customers to hire a student.

Friday, the Lock Down is the main event for Odd Job Week as local celebrities and summer employment officers will be locked-up in a makeshift prison in the New Sudbury Shopping Centre for four hours or until they receive 50 odd job opportunities from the community.


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