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Kelsey's, Montana's help Starlight Campaign

Now until Christmas Eve, staff at the Sudbury Kelsey's and Montana's restaurants, located in New Sudbury off Barrydowne, will help make children's wishes come true.

Now until Christmas Eve, staff at the Sudbury Kelsey's and Montana's restaurants, located in New Sudbury off Barrydowne, will help make children's wishes come true.

They will be selling bright yellow stars for a minimum donation of $1 to help fund the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation's Hospital Happenings programs. Every penny goes towards fun and laughter for hospitalized children across Canada.

For the past six years Kelsey's and Montana's Cookhouse throughout Canada have partnered with the foundation to create holiday magic and put a smile on the faces of seriously ill children through cheerful parties know as "Hospital Happenings."

To date, the restaurant chain, Kelsey Restaurants Inc., (KRI) has raised more than $780,000 and granted 250 individual wishes for seriously ill children. This year's program hopes to expand its reach to 8,000 children through the Hospital Happenings parties.

KRI is a division of Mississauga-based Cara Operations Limited.

The Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation is a non-profit
organization founded to make sure that seriously ill children still have a
chance to be kids.

Programs and services help kids address the social, emotional and medical aspects of living with serious illness. They are designed to restore some of the laughter and happiness that illness takes away from kids and to offer them and their families programs and services that empower them in the face of illness.


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