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New program focuses on business development, growth

BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN [email protected] A program designed to encourage the stability and growth of local businesses was launched Friday morning.

A program designed to encourage the stability and growth of local businesses was launched Friday morning.

The Business Retention and Expansion Program (BR&E) was developed in partnership with the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Sudbury Development Corporation and the Sudbury & Manitoulin Training and Development Board.

The program has been tested in many communities around the world. It is being sponsored by all three partners, and received a $50,000 grant from FedNor.

?BR&E is an ongoing co-operative effort between business, government and other organizations to help local firms create jobs, and expand and
diversify the local economic base,? said Vicki Smith, vice-chair of the chamber?s board of directors.

Volunteers are mostly driving the program, although some staff will be hired as administrators. Volunteer visitor teams will be trained to conduct a confidential survey of 100 to 200 local businesses to determine their needs, concerns and development opportunities.

A community task force will respond to issues identified in the surveys. For example, if a business is experiencing a skilled labour shortage, the task force will work with schools to increase graduates in that area.

?What is really appealing about this program is the recurring themes of partnership and volunteerism. Those are the programs that work effectively,? said MP Ray Bonin, who was there to hand out the FedNor grant.

Sandy Bass, labour co-chair for the Sudbury & Manitoulin Training and Development Board, said the program will help his organization anticipate what kinds of training programs need to be developed.

It is hard to predict what types of challenges will be identified in the survey of businesses, but access to capital will likely be one of them, said John Caruso, chair of the Greater Sudbury Development Corporation.

While there have been similar ventures in the past, said Caruso, this program is unique because someone goes right out to the business and talks to the owner one-on-one.

For more information about the program, phone 673-7133.


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