Rock blasting will continue this week for the installation of new storm sewers on Paris Street, near the York Street intersection.
As a precaution in advance of blasting operations, the City of Greater Sudbury will shut down a nearby trunk water main servicing the entire South End of Sudbury, starting at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 27 until 7 p.m. on Friday, October 30.
Residents and businesses in the south end will continue to receive municipal service via secondary water lines but there is potential for low water pressure and/or discoloured water as a result of diminished supply. Discoloured water does not pose a health risk but high iron content may stain laundry. South end water customers are reminded to use water wisely to maintain water pressure for all residents.
Motorists may encounter intermittent traffic delays for rock blasting near the York Street intersection, from Tuesday to Friday, October 27 to 30. Traffic will be stopped in both directions for blasting. One lane is open in each direction from York to north of the Ramsey Lake Road intersection.
Residents are asked to call 3-1-1 for more information about City of Greater Sudbury road construction or water service.