Last year, the Pond Hockey Festival on the Rock was cancelled due to “unsafe ice conditions” on Ramsey Lake, where the festival was supposed to take place.
With the warm weather for much of January, ice conditions on Lake Ramsey are once again less-than-ideal.
So for the 2017 edition of the festival — which takes place this coming weekend, from Feb. 3-5 — organizers moved the event to the James Jerome Sports Complex. It's been transformed into a boot hockey tournament.
“Mother Nature has been up to her old tricks again,” said a statement on the tournament's website.
“Last year she made us cancel the event but this year we outsmarted her! We’re rebooting the event from the lake to land! The event will be held at the Jim Jerome complex and you’ll get to relive the old days of road hockey! No skates but everything else is the same.”
The tournament runs from 5 p.m. Feb. 3 to 3 p.m. Feb. 5. Learn more on the event's website.