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Random Acts of Kindness: We team up with Canadian Tire to make sure these kids have a great Christmas

Better Beginnings Better Futures Kids Club is a social service agency that helps support low-income families, so we’re playing Santa elves with help from Canadian Tire

Welcome to the eleventh day of’s Random Acts of Kindness, supported by @homeEnergy.

Better Beginnings Better Futures is a social service agency located here in Sudbury to help support low-income families with raising their children. 

Through various programs like their Earlyon Centres, Baby’s Breath Programs and After School Programs, they are able to help families who need the extra resources. 

Today, with generous sponsor Lasalle Canadian Tire and store manager Todd Cochrane, we are picking out toys and gifts for 21 kids at the Queen Elizabeth Kids Club. 

I am joined by Katie LeCompte and Renee Kasburg from Better Beginnings Better Futures to pick out the right gift for each child.

Join us on our exciting shopping extravaganza to surprise these kids with gifts from our Canadian Tire Santa. 

Each weekday morning leading up to Christmas, will recognize a deserving person, family or organization with a random act of kindness.

Visit tomorrow morning again for another random act of kindness.


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