Betty MacIsaac is known as a shining example of a truly selfless person. A longtime volunteer at Health Sciences North, Betty finds joy in helping others while consistently going above and beyond.
In her seven years of volunteering at the hospital, she has dedicated over 2,000 hours to helping others. Betty also works tirelessly for St. Vincent de Paul food bank in Val Caron, supporting those who are experiencing financial difficulties.
With last Christmas and New Year’s Eve both falling on a Sunday, the dialysis patients at Health Sciences North were moved to those days due to the following Monday being a holiday. Betty was worried that there wouldn’t be enough people to assist the patients and showed up on her own accord to help out both days.
This is just one example of her dedication and willingness to help those who need it the most. was delighted to surprise Betty with a Random Act of Kindness, to show that her compassion and good deeds are being noticed by those around her.
She was taken aback when she saw the team show up to surprise her at Health Sciences North while in the middle of a volunteering shift.
“I was shocked. I don’t normally like to be singled out but this was very nice and very much appreciated,” Betty shared.
“I’m just a people person,” she said when asked about why she is so passionate about volunteering. “But it was nice to see that there is appreciation for volunteers, too.”
Betty received a bouquet of flowers along with restaurant gift certificates, theatre and movie tickets and a trip to the spa.
“The gift was beautiful and very generous. I’d like to thank all of the donors,” she said.
“Betty is truly an unsung hero who quietly helps people all the time,” said Tannys Laughren, HSN volunteer services lead and Betty’s Random Act of Kindness nominator. “She is patient, kind and takes time with each patient to make sure they are calm and not anxious.”
Thank you to our generous sponsors, Rosary Florists, Urban Windows and Doors, YES Theatre, SilverCity, Tim Hortons and Red Lobster for making this Random Act of Kindness possible. is proud to make a difference in our community by highlighting extraordinary individuals and organizations with our Random Acts of Kindness, a foundational piece of our Cares program.
The Cares team's mission is to create meaningful change in Sudbury - and inspire others to do the same.