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Local News

Seniors' issues on the agenda

Seniors' issues will be the subject of a symposium at the ParkSide Older Adult Centre Sudbury, (OACS) on May 1 at 12:30 p.m.

Hospital seeks members for Corporation

The Sudbury Regional Hospital invites residents of of northeastern Ontario, 18 years of age and older, to become members of the hospital Corporation. All those interested in the future of the local health-care system are encouraged to get involved.

A to Z job fair at Radisson

Resumés and handshakes will be the order of the day at the Sudbury Vocational Resource Centre (SVRC) recruitment and job fair on May 1 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

First aid couldn't have saved injured miner: doctor

BY LAUREL MYERS A miner who bled to death following a workplace accident received the best possible care he could have, according to the emergency room doctor who treated the miner when he arrived at the Sudbury Regional Hospital.

Youth and college gain funding

BY BILL BRADLEY Youth were the big winners Friday at a series of announcements by Sudbury MPP Rick Bartolucci.
Ombudsman holds nose at city council

Ombudsman holds nose at city council

They did fail to pass the smell test BY BILL BRADLEY They may not have done something illegal, but they did not pass the smell test, said Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin, Friday at 1 pm.

Nominations open for under-40 leaders

BY JUDI KOSKI The Caruso Club will be a hub of business activity Sept. 10 when 40 community leaders under the age of 40 will be recognized in a celebration of their success. But first things first.

VIA Rail sidetracked from Sudbury

VIA Rail Canada has temporarily suspended its service between Sudbury and White River in both directions due to mechanical difficulties. VIA hopes to be able to restart its operations on this route on Tuesday, April 29.

Perks in store for festival volunteers

Northern Lights Festival Boreal is recruiting volunteers for this year's festival on July 4-6. Volunteers get a backstage pass to the summer's biggest and hottest event.
Business conference to engage gen-Y set

Business conference to engage gen-Y set

BY JUDI KOSKI With plenty of advance notice, the Emerging Leaders: Ingredients for Success Conference and Trade show on Sept. 10 should be well attended. The event takes place during Emerging Leaders Week in Greater Sudbury at the Caruso Club.