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Local News

Hospital enhances cancer care for First Nations

The Sudbury Regional Hospital (HRSRH) Regional Cancer Program (RCP) has announced the newly developed position of Aboriginal Cancer Prevention and Screening (ACPS) Coordinator, said a news release.
Phones-for-Food high school challenge engages Sudbury Students

Phones-for-Food high school challenge engages Sudbury Students

Rogers Communications Inc. is engaging high schools in Greater Sudbury to help reduce e-waste and support local food banks as part of the inaugural Rogers Phones-for-Food High School Challenge.
Waistline measurement about more than buying pants

Waistline measurement about more than buying pants

A large waistline due to excess abdominal fat is a major risk factor for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, warns the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Uproar in Kitchener about ticket perks for Elton John

BY BILL BRADLEY As in Greater Sudbury, tickets for the March 3 Elton John concert in Kitchener went fast-in one hour.
Vale donates Kubota prize to cancer research

Vale donates Kubota prize to cancer research

Vale Inco’s Creighton Mine has purchased the 10,000th Kubota CE unit in Canada from local supplier, Tracks & Wheels, and donated the resulting $10,000 prize to Miners for Cancer, in support of the Northern Cancer Research Foundation, said a news

Lesley Andrew to speak at Sudbury Secondary School

A motivational speaker will be in Sudbury on Tuesday, March 4 to talk about how life for students with disabilities does not have to be a gamble, said a news release.
Rainbow board opts to keep R.H.Murray school open

Rainbow board opts to keep R.H.Murray school open

Supporters of R.H. Murray Public School breathed a sigh of relief after the Rainbow District School Board trustees chose to keep the school open reviewing the final recommendations presented by the Board's Administrative Council last night.
Northern Life switching distribution days

Northern Life switching distribution days

As of Feb. 26, Northern Life will be available to the public earlier in the week, landing on doorsteps and filling newsstands on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Local optician helping Belize residents see

By Gianni Ubriaco After helping thousands of local residents to see more clearly, optician Bryan Todd of Todd Optical Ltd. is getting ready to help give the gift of site to the people of Belize.

Encouraging business to invest in youth

Local businesses are invited to take part in a free working breakfast next week that will include discussions about investing in the youth of the community.