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Local News

Mansbridge looks forward to return to Sudbury

BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN The anchor of CBC's The National, Peter Mansbridge, says he'll focus on the rehabilitation of Greater Sudbury's environment during a live broadcast from the city on Monday.
Health care forum attracts large crowd

Health care forum attracts large crowd

Over 200 people gathered at the Science North cavern Thursday night for a forum on health care organized by CBC Radio.

U.N. ambassador to speak at Laurentian

The geography and political science departments of Laurentian University will be presenting a public lecture by Gilbert Laurin, Canadian ambassador to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Capreol Ski Hill to open for March Break

Weather permitting, Capreol Ski Hill will open for the March Break. The hill will open on Saturday, March 10, and remain open until Sunday, March 18, from noon until 4 pm each day.
Floyd Laughren inducted into Hall of Fame

Floyd Laughren inducted into Hall of Fame

BY VICKI GILHULA This year’s Community Builders Hall of Fame winner will be remembered as a member of the small army of people who supported this community during the bad times of the late 1970s and 1980s.

Senator Segal to speak in Sudbury

The Sudbury Conservative Party is hosting Senator Hugh Segal at a fundraising dinner March 22 at the Ambassador Hotel. Segal sits in the Senate as a member of the Conservative Party of Canada. He worked for many years as a party strategist.
Time running out for biodiesel plant

Time running out for biodiesel plant

BY TRACEY DUGUAY Politicians beamed in May 2005 when the announcement that a $3.8 million biodiesel plant would be built in Greater Sudbury and the federal government would chip in $1.9 million to help fund it.

Mansbridge coming to Sudbury

The anchor of CBC's The National, Peter Mansbridge, will be broadcasting live Monday from the Sudbury Catholic District School Board parking lot on D'Youville St.

Catholic board reaches deal with custodial staff

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 1369, and the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, have reached a tentative collective agreement with its custodial, maintenance and warehouse staff.

CVRD Inco commits $60,000 to Lucky Duck Dash

The Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrisers has announced CVRD Inco has committed $60,000 over the next five years to participate in the annual Lucky Duck Dash.