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Hwy. 144 reconstruction begins

The Ontario government is investing more than $9 million in the rehabilitation of Hwy. 144 connecting Timmins with Greater Sudbury. “We’re investing $1.

Council votes against salary recommendations

BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN Going against the recommendation of a citizen’s committee, the city’s mayor and council voted to freeze their own salaries and benefits for one year at a priorities committee meeting Wednesday night.

Committee OKs Lily Creek development

BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN Ignoring the wishes of Lily Creek residents, the city’s planning committee voted Tuesday night in favour of rezoning a piece of property on Centennial Dr. to allow for the construction of a $13 million medical office building.

City installs new signs

The city will install signs around the city’s 21 municipal wells this fall to remind people not to pollute the ground water. About 60 Drinking Water Protection Area signs will be used in conjunction with a public awareness campaign.

Six broadcasters apply for FM licence in Sudbury

BY VICKI GILHULA Nickelstar Broadcasting is one of six companies hoping to launch a new radio station in Greater Sudbury.
City responds to near tragedy

City responds to near tragedy

BY JASON THOMPSON It may have taken an emergency, but a Tilton Lake Rd. couple is happy the city is finally looking into a signage issue they’ve been trying to resolve. While performing some home renovations in his basement Sunday, Sept.

Sudbury man wins Entrepreneur of the Year

Robert Lipic, the president and CEO of Mining Technologies International (MIT) in Lively, was named entrepreneur of the year at the Northern Ontario Business Awards (NOBA) Thursday evening in Thunder Bay.

Joe Cimino supports West End playground

Ward 1 candidate Joe Cimino says the West End of the city lacks a community playground, and he's thrilled parents at Princess Anne Public School are fundraising to build one.

Council candidate hosts clean up

Ward 12 candidate Will Brunette is holding a clean up of the trails from the Flour Mill to Adanac Ski Hill Oct. 7 at 10 am. He said he is tired of seeing litter on the trails. The event will be held rain or shine, and everyone is welcome.

Council to vote on arts strategy Oct. 18

BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN The fact that the city now has an arts and culture plan is a sign that Greater Sudbury is becoming a mature city, says Ward 1 Councillor Terry Kett.