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Local News

Province funds local child care spots

BY APRIL ANTONIAZZI for northern life An extra 422 children will receive daycare spaces in Sudbury through the provincial government's Best Start program.

Finnish delegation arrives in town

A delegation from a leading committee of the Finnish Parliament will visit Greater Sudbury April 27 and 28. The visit as launched with a civic luncheon hosted by Mayor David Courtemanche and members of city council, on behalf of the community.

Sudbury family mourn murder victims

The triple-murder of a Medicine Hat, Alta. family is being felt in Greater Sudbury where relatives are mourning the death of the slain family.

Falco reports strong first quarter income

Falconbridge Ltd. reported first quarter 2006 net income of $462 million (earnings per share - $1.23 basic; $1.21 diluted) Tuesday. All prices are in American dollars. This is one of the highest quarterly net earnings in Canadian mining history.

Citizens have say in councillor salaries

City councillors have decided to leave the future of their salaries and pay raises in the hands of five Greater Sudbury citizens.

CAW shuns NDP

An overwhelming majority of delegates to the CAW council in Port Hope this past weekend voted in favour of encouraging members, locals and staff to withdraw all support and affiliations to the New Democratic Party.
Cyclist killed by speeding motorist

Cyclist killed by speeding motorist

BY KEITH LACEY Friends of Patrick Herard say he’s playing beautiful music up in heaven.
Sudbury on standby to take James Bay residents fleeing flood

Sudbury on standby to take James Bay residents fleeing flood

While the contingency planning started a month ago, it’s still too soon to say whether evacuees from the flood-threatened communities along the James Bay coastline will seek shelter in Greater Sudbury.
Councillors rally support for de-amalgamation

Councillors rally support for de-amalgamation

BY HEIDI ULRICHSEN [email protected] Valley East area residents enthusiastically threw their support behind a movement to do away with the current structure of Greater Sudbury at a meeting attended by more than 100 people in Hanmer Monday night.

Residential street sweeping starts

City crews have started their annual citywide sweeping of streets and sidewalks to remove debris and sand that has accumulated over the winter months.