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Sudbury Finnish singers tour Finland

Members of the Sudbury Finnish Male Choir are going on a concert tour of Finland at the end of the month under the auspices of the Finnish Male Singers of North America.

Fire safety training

The Canadian Red Cross, Sudbury branch, will be training 15 new volunteers in personal disaster assistance on Tuesday, Oct. 1 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at its headquarters at 174 Douglas St.

Meltdown 2002 contest huge success

Over 500 residents from the City of Greater Sudbury lost a combined total of 4073 pounds during Meltdown 2002. In September, people signed up to participate in the event with the goal of losing 20 pounds.

Names in the news

A painting by artist Cheryl Gervais Battistelli has been chosen by Ducks Unlimited Canada to be part of the National Art Print Portfolio for 2003. The work, Afternoon Warmth, depicts an adult lynx and two kittens.

Science North CEO honoured for leadership

Science NorthÂ?s CEO Jim Marchbank didnÂ?t take home the trophy, but he did receive an award of merit for leadership at the 2003 Ontario Global Traders Northern Region awards last week.

Activists want Inco, Falco off Sudbury Soil Study committee

If you pay the piper, do you get to pick the tunes? That was the question debated, sometimes loudly, Wednesday at a public information session on the work the Sudbury Soils Study is doing. Inco Ltd. and Falconbridge Ltd. are funding the $4.

No impaired charges laid

This past weekend, the Greater Sudbury Police Service continued its Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) spot checks on roadways across the City of Greater Sudbury.

Making a splash

Big Sisters of Sudbury will hold a dunk tank event to raise funds for the United Way/Centraide campaign this Saturday (Aug. 10).

Sudbury?s first lady of community theatre passes on

Margaret (Peg) Roberts died last week in Toronto. Although she spent her final few years in Toronto, she was a long-time resident of Sudbury, and a pioneer in the development of theatre in the city.

Sharp increase in post-secondary enrolment

Enrolment numbers are up sharply at SudburyÂ?s three post-secondary institutes. Enrolment has increased dramatically at Laurentian University and Cambrian College and is up only very slightly at College Boreal.