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Local News

MTO to fix killer South End intersection

BY KEITH LACEY It?s going to take at least three or four more years to be finished, but one of the most dangerous intersections in the City of Greater Sudbury will be overhauled.

Mining company reports positive drilling results

Dynatec Corp. (DY-TSX) reports that recent drill results from the No.

community notes

Light the Way The Rainbow Outlet Centre is again alive with its annual tree of lights on its rooftop. The United Way/Centraide and Rainbow Outlet Centre will again be raising funds by selling light bulbs from the massive tree.

Pregnancy outreach program introduced

The Northern Regional Recovery Continuum has launched its new Pregnancy Outreach Program and its new website.

Wallbridge Mining beings next phase at Windy Lake

Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. has completed its winter drill program and is now beginning the next phase of drilling at its Windy Lake property near Sudbury. Over the past several months, nine holes totalling 9,565 metres have been completed.

New money for multicultural association

The Sudbury Multicultural/Folk Art Association is getting $5,000 from the federal government to educate members of the immigrant and minority communities on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, announced Sudbury MP Diane Marleau yesterday.

Def Leopard fans line up to buy concert tickets

BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW The early bird gets the worm, and in this case, the worm was the first ticket to the Def Leopard concert to take place, Sunday, Aug. 10 at Sudbury Arena. One fan was at Sudbury Arena at 5:30 am.

Micro burst cleanup efforts could top $250,000

By Diane Gilhula The cost to clean up after a short but severe storm last week may reach quarter of a million dollars.

New billboard has message

City of Greater Sudbury residents are invited to join the CRASH 69 committee on Friday, Sept. 27 when a new Four Lane 69 billboard will be unveiled in the city?s south end.

Star complains to labour board

BY RICK PUSIAK The Sudbury Star has filed unfair labour practice charges against the Northern Ontario Newspaper Guild Local 30232 and the Graphic Communications International Union Local N-1.