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Obituary listings are provided as a free service. To have your obituary posted here, simply ask your funeral home to submit it to [email protected].

BOUCHER, Jean-Claude

BOUCHER, Jean-Claude - In Loving Memory of Jean-Claude Boucher, 79 years, who passed away Wednesday May 25th, 2011 at the Elizabeth Centre.

GRAY, Edlina Eggleton

GRAY, Edlina Eggleton (nee Meffen) - In loving memory of Edlina Eggleton (nee Meffen) Gray, 86 Years, Thursday, May 26th, 2011 at Extendicare-York, Sudbury. Beloved wife of Alex Gray predeceased 2008.


McFARLANE, Ivan - In loving memory of Ivan A. McFarlane 87 Years Thursday, May 26th, 2011 at the Sudbury Regional Hospital. Beloved husband of Beatrice (Watters) McFarlane.

MIRON, Jean-Paul

MIRON, Jean-Paul - 1937-2011. La famille annonce avec tristesse son décès le jeudi 26 mai 2011 à sa résidence à l'âge de 74 ans. Prédécédé par sa première épouse Anne-Marie Joliat-Miron (1987).

STROMBERG, Joyce Elizabeth

STROMBERG, Joyce Elizabeth (née Blue) - Peacefully at Falconbridge Extendicare, Sudbury, Monday, May 23, 2011. Joyce was born March 8, 1925 in Sudbury.

WHITE, E. Gordon

WHITE, E. Gordon - In Loving Memory of E. Gordon White the family announces with sorrow his death at the Sudbury Regional Hospital on May 26, 2011 in his 83rd year. Husband and best friend of M.


VINCENT (née FOREST), Noëlla - 1925- 2011 - C'est entourée de ses filles que Noëlla Vincent s'est éteinte paisiblement dans sa chambre au Centre de santé Perly- Rideau d'Ottawa, le 18 mai.


BERGERON, Joël - The family announces with sorrow, his death in Sudbury, Thursday, May 19, 2011 at the age of 44 years.


WIERRE, Antti - In Loving Memory of Antti Wierre, passed away peacefully on May 24th at the Sudbury Regional Hospital, Sudbury, Ontario at the age of 81, with daughters, Sonya and Sirkka at his side.


CORMIER, Jean - The family announces with sorrow, his death in Sudbury, Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at the age of 89 years. Son of the late Valérien and of the late Marie-Ange (née Dorion) Cormier.

ARLT, Edward “Ed“ Bruce

ARLT, Edward “Ed“ Bruce - In loving memory of Edward “Ed“ Bruce Arlt 64 years Saturday, May 21st, 2011 at the Sudbury Regional Hospital. Beloved husband of Sharon (Mackie) Arlt of Capreol.

KONAREK, Dr. Joseph Konarek

KONAREK, Dr. Joseph Konarek - In loving memory of Dr. Joseph Konarek 82 years Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 at the Extendicare York. Beloved husband of Stella (Lomas) Konarek of Sudbury.