Obituary listings are provided as a free service. To have your obituary posted here, simply ask your funeral home to submit it to [email protected].
HUDAC, Corinne (Lefebvre) - In loving memory of Corinne (Lefebvre) Hudac, 86 years, who passed away with her family by her side on Friday, August 21st, 2009 at the SRH - St. Joseph's Health Centre.
CONRAD, William Joseph - who passed away August 21 at Vale Inco Hospice at the age of 54. Beloved son of Truman and Ethel Conrad (predeceased).
LADEROUTE, Albert John Emlaw - Surrounded by family, on August 20th, 2009, at SRH - Laurentian Site at the age of 75. Predeceased by his loving wife, Edna (Andress).
LEGAULT, Sharon (née McIntyre) - The family announces with sorrow, her death in Sudbury, Friday, August 21, 2009 at the age of 67 years.
MULCAHY, Anne (nee McMahon) - In loving memory of Anne (nee McMahon) Mulcahy, 82 years, of Sudbury, who passed away on Thursday, August 20th 2009 at the SRH - St Joseph's Health Center.
SABOURIN, Shirley M. - In loving memory of Shirley M. Sabourin (nee Calford) 80 years of Chilliwack, BC who passed away on August 13, 2009. Born and raised in Sudbury, ON.
ROMO, Margit (nee Ronn) - In loving memory of Margit (nee Ronn), 75 years, who passed away Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 at the SRH - St. Joseph's Health Center.
THURLOW, Harry - In Loving Memory of Harry Thurlow, 79 years of age, passed away Friday, August 21st, 2009 at the Sudbury Regional Hospital-Laurentian Site.
ST. LOUIS, Rita Georgette - In loving memory of Rita Georgette St. Louis (nee Guitard), 83 years, who passed away Friday August 21st 2009 at the Finlandia Koti. Beloved wife of the late Valere St.
WILSON, Winnifred (Peever) - In Loving Memory of Winnifred (Peever) Wilson, 91 years who passed Friday morning, August 21st, 2009 at St. Joseph's Health Center.
VERDONK, Lorelei Lori - In loving memory of Lorelei Lori Edna Verdonk (nee Mearow).
BEAVERS, William Bill Spencer - In loving memory of William Bill Spencer Beavers, 65 years of age, who passed away Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 at his home.