S.C.C. Sudbury Indoor Soccer Club is now
accepting registration for the 2004-05 season, running from
early November until early April.
Registrations for mixed boys and girls, mens
and womens houseleague, mixed 35 and over, and women's
recreational will take place at Just Soccer, located at 1775
Lasalle Blvd. on Saturday, Oct. 16 from 10 am until 2 pm.
This will be the final registration date for
these players.
A $10 late fee applies after this date. Proof
of age is required for registration. Divisions will be offered
based on demand.
Price is $160 per player with family and two
team discounts are available.
Club teams must pay a team fee and bond, and
all players need to be OSA carded.
Volunteers are also required. Youth division
coaches, scorekeepers, executive members and qualified referees
are needed.
For more information, phone Lloyd Rebeiro at
523-6574, Fabio Belli at 560-7734 or e-mail
[email protected]