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SportLink gets new executive director

BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW [email protected] Despite being born in Sarnia, Kerry Salmoni has always considered herself a true Northerner.

Wolves announce season schedule

BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW [email protected] The Sudbury Wolves are set to howl for 68 regular season games in 2005-06. The Wolves schedule was announced recently and fans are anxiously awaiting the start of the new season.

I am Irish won Ontario Sire Stakes

BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW [email protected] A late start to the 2005 racing season hasn't put a damper on prospects at Sudbury Downs.

LU skiing coach Yukon bound

Laurentian University Nordic skiing coach Mary Waddell will be taking a one-year sabbatical from the program in order for her to become the new Assistant Sport Co-ordinator for the Yukon.

LU cross-country running team expands

The Laurentian University cross-country running team has added more firepower for the 2005-06 season. NCAA athlete Meghan Juuti has joined the squad.

Boxer, 55, turns in heroic effort at big event in United States

BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW [email protected] Local boxer Terry Witzu wanted desperately to win the championship belt at the recent Ringside World Amateur Boxing Championships.

Walk a mile in the shoes of a legend

BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW [email protected] When Ewan Morrsion walked into the Sudbury Sport Chek store on Thursday, September 1, a pair of shoes caught his eye.

Runners encouraged to dust off shoes

The Sudbury Masters Running Club is pleased to announce that the 29th annual Ramsey Tour 5-kilometre/Half-Marathon will be held this Sunday, Sept. 11, at the Laurentian University track.

Young soccer stars win gold

The Frag Demolition and Construction girls' soccer team recently won the gold medal in the Girls Under-14 division at the Sudburnia Soccer Tournament. The girls won the match after a shoot out.

Broken hockey sticks now thing of the past

BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW [email protected] Busted composite hockey sticks are one of the worst nightmares of parents and sports organizations alike.