What’s in a quote?
Licensed funeral director David Laplante has been working at Cooperative Funeral Home since 1997 and in that time has provided their fair share of estimates for services. With the increase in the demand for cremations, he frequently answers questions about the quotes provided for these services.
“How much does cremation cost?” is understandably one of the most commonly asked questions, most often followed up with “What is included in this quote?”
This is a great question because not all quotes are created equal. Not all service providers offer the same level of aftercare, if any at all.
All funeral providers, be it a Class 1 funeral home or transfer service, offer a range of services to help grieving families at a time where they need it most. Estimates for direct cremation typically include transfer from place of death to crematorium, registration of death, a simple cremation container and the crematorium fee.
However, some funeral providers go above and beyond to ease this burden with an exceptional aftercare program designed to support families through the most difficult of times. These extras offer a range of services that help families far beyond the funeral arrangement, helping individuals cope with their grief and find healing during the long road of mourning.
With every family they serve, included in ALL their quotes, Cooperative Funeral Home:
- Fills in and mails out the applications for the Canada Pension Plan death & survivor’s benefits (if applicable)
- Cancels, on your behalf, the deceased individual's social insurance number, health card, driver’s license or photo i.d., Trillium benefit and passport (if applicable)
- Assists families with insurance application when able to
- Includes 'after hours' for the transfer from place of death so there will be no surprise invoices at the time of death if it occurs overnight
Additionally, families often require multiple copies of the funeral director’s proof of death, so their quote includes unlimited amounts for 6 months. Many providers quotes are for a fixed number of proofs and families will be charged for more copies that they will certainly need to properly close the estate.
While every funeral home and transfer service offer basic services, not all offer the same aftercare program.
A facility that goes the extra mile to provide a comprehensive aftercare program shows a deep commitment to the families they serve. Choosing a funeral home or transfer service that offers robust aftercare ensures that your family will not only be supported during the funeral arrangements but will continue to receive the help they need as they navigate the grieving process.
The amazing aftercare program at the Cooperative Funeral Home plays a pivotal role in helping individuals and is a valuable service that can make all the difference in a family’s healing journey.
Connect with them online here or call them at any of their three locations:
- Sudbury: 705 566 2100
- Chelmsford: 705 855 4448
- Hanmer: 705 9697272