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Budget changes will help society - Clarence Soule

I wish to applaud Jack Layton, the federal NDP leader, for successfully negotiating a change in the proposed federal budget. As a result, the proposed tax cuts for large corporations have been cancelled.

I wish to applaud Jack Layton, the federal NDP leader, for successfully negotiating a change in the proposed federal budget. As a result, the proposed tax cuts for large corporations have been cancelled.

Do not believe politicians and economists who say that such tax cuts will create less investment and employment. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has statistics to prove that this theory is false. They surveyed 39 large Canadian corporations between 1988 and 2002. This period has resulted in the biggest tax cuts in Canadian history, all carried out by Paul Martin, the former finance minister. An astonishing number of jobs were cut during this period: 100,000.

There have been dramatic changes in the percentage of income tax that corporation are now paying compared to individual taxpayers.

Starting in 1955, big business paid 43.4 percent of the total and individuals, 52.3 percent. Forty years later, by 1995, corporations were only paying 11.2 percent of the total collected; whereas individuals were paying 87.4 percent. These figures clearly point out the unfairness of our tax system.

I believe $4.65 billion that was originally slated for corporate tax cuts will not benefit many phases of society. Thank God we have an opposition leader who thinks about the electorate and not just greedy corporations.

Clarence Soule
Greater Sudbury