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Council never consulted public before selling pool - Terry Kett, Lively

City council has just tried to trap a group of local volunteers into buying the R.G. Dow Pool.
City council has just tried to trap a group of local volunteers into buying the R.G. Dow Pool.

By voting to sell the pool to a group of volunteers for just $1, councillors want to dump the responsibility and, of course, the costs of running a city pool on the group.

City council wants the group to form a not-for-profit corporation, incur substantial legal, accounting, marketing, operational and capital costs as well as shoulder huge liability insurance costs just to run one city facility.

This is all council will accept. They have never met with the Dow Pool Lifesavers to hear what the group is willing to do to keep the pool open.

Councillors forget that swimming pools are very specialized facilities with a narrow range of usage. How can a privately owned pool compete with the other city owned subsidized pools? The answer is it can't.

What the Dow Pool Lifesavers want is a partnership with the city. Volunteers doing what they're good at -getting people interested in using the pool and in fundraising to help with capital costs and the city doing what it is good at-operating the pool.

I hope everyone remembers that council did not consult for one second with one citizen before deciding at a budget meeting to close this excellent facility. Instead of working with the volunteer group, it cunningly combined the
Dow Pool and Falconbridge Arena (which has a buyer), into one motion and voted to 'sell' the two facilities.

All councillors want is to appear that they've done something positive. In reality they've taken their usual easy way out. What a cheap confidence trick!

Terry Kett, Lively

Editor's Note: Terry Kett, former mayor of the Town of Walden, is running for Ward 1 councillor in the upcoming November municipal election.