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Councillors don't deserve to be re-elected - Frank Buchan

What has been almost amusing about the recent actions of the city council has to be the degree of helplessness they show in the face of every decision they make.
What has been almost amusing about the recent actions of the city council has to be the degree of helplessness they show in the face of every decision they make. Despite having decided to close the facilities they deemed unsupportable, they still have not taken a shred of responsibility for those decisions. To listen to the mayor, this is a result of under-funding from the province. To listen to various councillors, they essentially claim they had no choice. Threaded throughout these excuses and failures is a common theme of passing blame to any third party available, and if one doesn't exist creating a diversion.

The facilities being closed are being closed because mismanagement by the council in the past two terms has placed the city in a position where funding is no longer available to maintain them. That is the bottom line, and it is the fault and responsibility of the council. It doesn't matter whether the province withdrew funding, or the tax base was reduced. The people we elected were responsible for managing the situation all along. They failed to manage, and put themselves in an unenviable position of having to introduce cuts to recreational facilities in an election year.

Now, they scramble to avoid responsibility for acts for which they, and they alone, bear responsibility.

I opened with the statement that the helplessness on the council was almost amusing. It would be amusing if we were not continuously paying for their incompetence, but it is made tragic by the fact that we are paying It is sad and frightening that our tax dollars are being spent with such a flagrant disregard for our interests.

If any of these councillors are re-elected for another term, I suggest Sudbury may as well consider its fate sealed. The council is creating a city-wide ghetto, and giving any of them another term would certainly finish that task.

Thankfully, it may be that if the surrounding communities vote in their true best interest. they can save the city itself from its own ineptitude.

Frank Buchan