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Don't shoot the messenger - Tammy Turchan

I read Northern Life faithfully and occasionally I read a letter that leaves me shaking my head. I am starting to think your newspaper is either ridiculing these people by publishing their opinions or that you support racist ignorant views.
I read Northern Life faithfully and occasionally I read a letter that leaves me shaking my head.

I am starting to think your newspaper is either ridiculing these people by publishing their opinions or that you support racist ignorant views.

When people were discussing the franco-flag, Northern Life printed a racist letter which claimed the flag should fly because French people "are not immigrants while Italians, Germans, Greeks are." Unless
one's ancestry is native, everyone's ancestors immigrated to this country.

More recently another writer compared the smoking bylaw to communism. This is either idiocy or ignorance. Why would you provide a forum for either? Communism is a system of government that controls the economy. It has absolutely nothing to do with one's "right" to smoke.

Why is Northern Life publishing racist or ignorant arguments on valid issues. Printing them offers a public forum for invalid arguments on very valid subjects.

Tammy Turchan

Editor's note: We don't decide whose opinions are valid and whose are not. We let our readers do that.