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Fuming over gas bill - R. Zanetti

The January Union Energy gas bill shows increased costs for gas supplied and for delivery charges. As well there is an added adjustment cost for gas received and paid for in 2000 and 2001.

The January Union Energy gas bill shows increased costs for gas supplied and for delivery charges. As well there is an added adjustment cost for gas received and paid for in 2000 and 2001.

This adjustment cost of approximately $20 per month for six months is being appealed, and the Energy Board has yet to give a decision, after originally allowing the adjustment increase.

I for one am withholding my adjustment payment.

Consider this: Two years ago you bought a dozen oranges. This year the produce manager demands an extra 50 cents for the oranges because he says two years ago he undersold the oranges. What would your reaction be?

Fixed income pensions, seniors and natural gas users in general, phone, write and express your displeasure and voice your reluctance to pay an absurd add on fee.

R. Zanetti