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Gambling with livelihoods - Shirley Lavigne

Are the words "job security" of no meaning in our city anymore? I have observed in the past two weeks, people going through the "information line: at Sudbury Downs to play the slots.

Are the words "job security" of no meaning in our city anymore? I have observed in the past two weeks, people going through the "information line: at Sudbury Downs to play the slots. The Northern Horsemen's Association is standing out on the line for job security. The management wants to have live horseracing for only six months of the year while the horsemen need a minimum of nine months to maintain a stable environment for their families.

Who would like to have to change jobs every six months?

Is this a city of addicted gamblers in that we are unable to stay away from the slots for a few weeks?

Shirley Lavigne