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Jobs available in Sudbury - Matthew Barton

I am writing with regards to letters to the editor stating it is hard to get a job in Sudbury. I would like to begin by saying there is a need for social assistance in our community.

I am writing with regards to letters to the editor stating it is hard to get a job in Sudbury.

I would like to begin by saying there is a need for social assistance in our community. It has been used by many people as a stepping stone to get themselves and their families ahead. My family required to take that step when my father died. My mother used the service to get ahead and start working. She was able to raise four children. My mother also has arthritis, has pins in her legs, and uses a cane to walk. She has worked for the local call centre for the past six years, and is still working.

She was able to see the welfare system as a tool to better herself, not as a lifetime entitlement.

As for finding a job in the Sudbury area, its not that hard. I open the paper on a daily basis and find many jobs. The call centres are screaming for help. I know its not the most glamorous or well liked job, but it's a job! On top of that, after three months there are benefits.

I would just like to see some appreciation for the single mothers, or families who are trying hard to better themselves by working.

Matthew Barton
Greater Sudbury