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Justice not cash - Clint A. J. Mac Neil

Allegations of sexual abuse committed by priests are most appalling. Not only are victims and their families devastated, but the faith of the church community as a whole is tested.
Allegations of sexual abuse committed by priests are most appalling. Not only are victims and their families devastated, but the faith of the church community as a whole is tested.

Recently, a Sudbury man launched a $4 million lawsuit against the Sault Diocese because a priest molested him more than 20 years ago. The priest was found guilty and is serving his sentence. While there is little doubt the priest is in need of counselling, the victim also deserves the community's sympathy and compassion. However, placing a dollar value on a victim's suffering above and beyond the guilty verdict is retribution, not justice.

In a Christian sense, justice involves forgiveness. Retribuition, on the other hand, is best exemplified by "an eye for an eye."

Since the priest has been imprisoned why should the rest of the church be punished? Financial settlements in these matters does not correct or erase the past. It only undermines and humiliates the church and deprives fellow parishioners of dignity while ultimately lining the pockets of lawyers.

Clint A. J. Mac Neil